But Pandas are more than just icons in our modern world. They're endangered, with only estimates of 1,600 in the wild. China has taken more measures to ensure that this creature survives. Raising their reserves to 50 compared to their previous 13. Helping raise Panda awareness and their reproduction in captivity between reserves and zoos all over the world.
Which is where I'm starting with this blog, learning about these adorable creatures and the organizations that are looking to save them.
The first group that I will be looking at is Pandas International.
Pandas International or PI, is a Colorado based organization that is dedicated to the idea of helping preserve these wonderful creatures.
How this group first started was in 1999 when Suzanne Braden and Diane Rees visited the Wolong Panda Center in China. Upon their return they co-founded the non profit.
Mrs. Braden continues as the Director of Pandas international, where she coordinates with the annuals and immediate needs of panda centers in China. Through her position she's been able to develop a relationship with Chinese officials, veterinarians, and staff members to help Pandas International to maximize their role in preservation.
Pandas International's mission is thus.
To ensure the preservation and propagation of the endangered Giant Panda. By providing public awareness and education. Support of research, habitat preservation and enhancement, and assistance to Giant Panda Centers.
Pandas International Goals is a large list. But more then capable of being accomplished with help they'll be able to accomplish such a list. Their goals include a few things, such as:
- Aid efforts to reintroduce pandas into the wild in order to diversify the gene pool.
- Assist in helping build a new Wolong Panda Center and Center for Disease Control in Dujianyan.
Pandas International puts donations into several programs that they fund. These programs include:
- Medical Supplies and equipment
- Captive breeding programs
- Reintroduction programs
- Environment enrichment program
- Bamboo reforestation program
Each and every one of these programs helps ensure the survival and propagation of the Panda in both captivity and in the wild. While also ensuring that these animals get the much needed attention that they need and produce for other animals that are also endangered.
When you put up a Panda, people will search for other endangered species. Learn about numbers, declines, and population losses. People will learn of the numerous species that live in one family, and how many have been lost so far. People will learn about habitat loss, illegal trading, poaching, and in general the things we do as humans. People will look inward to themselves and as a species and ask, when will we stop?
Pandas are an international symbol of recovery. Of an endangered species along with numerous others (Tigers, Polar bears, Elephants) that has the chance and opportunity to thrive. IF we let them, IF we are there to help fix the damage that we have done.
- You can Adopt a Panda. Each panda costs $600.00 to adopt. You'll receive a personalized adopation certificate, a poster, newsletters, updates and photos of your panda. As well as a free visit to the Wolong and Bifengxia panda reserves.
- You can visit their Online Shop. To purchase gifts and items that will help support Pandas International and their work.
- Or you can simply Donate and amount that you feel is right.
To Pandas International I will be donating $40
The second group that I will be donating to is well know, and very much famous for it's campaigns and it's opinions. The second group I'm donating to is the WWF or World Wildlife Fund.
WWF is helping with Panda populations with more conventional means. By working with local government they are helping both the animals and the people in these areas.
Since 1980 WWF has been active int he giant panda conservation, and was the first organization to with in China.
- They have helped create new reserves, by helping with the logging ban introduced in 1998. Helping restore more habitat for pandas to roam, and breed in.
- They've created bamboo corridors between wilderness to help Pandas in the wild find mates, and food. So far WWF has created 10 corridors in Qinling and Minshan.
WWF has also made a number of programs for People to ensure the continued survival of pandas with communities.
By helping give communities more opportunities for survival it reduces the hunting of wildlife, illegal logging and poaching as a means of survival. Instead, with these other opportunities available communities will be able to sell their goods to a global market, ensuring proper supply and demand. As well as opening up more job opportunities that are also sustainable.

Training people to patrol panda habitat, between 1996 and 2000 WWF trained more than 300 panda reserve staff in nature reserve management, wildlife monitoring, anti-poaching patrolling and many others.
They have also created a program that teaches local people how to protect panda habitat without compromising economic livelihood. By training sustainable logging methods, introdu
cing income generating opportunities such as ecotourism and raising awareness about conservation.- You can Adopt a Panda or anything else you love. Usually starting at $50 you get a plushy, an adoption certificate and a gift bag.
- You can visit their Gift Center and get an assortment of gifts.
- You can Become a Member, with a monthly donation.
- Become a Conservation Partner. Which is reserved for people that make contributions annually of $1,000 or more.
To WWF I will be donating $50.
Hoping one day to be able to contribute more to these two groups as they grow, and as I grow.
So far in my life I have always loved many things, pandas, tigers, wolves, dogs, cats, birds and turtles. I fear the creepy crawly and the slimy but I see a use and importance for almost all creatures. Something I'm starting to notice, is slowly becoming harder and harder to try and instill in others, especially those younger.
The way I've always seen it is as such. When were children we care about alot of things, ourselves, others, being good, doing right and helping. But as we get older we stop caring about anything outside the immediate vicinity of ourselves. When we're teenagers it's literally impossible for us to care for something outside ourselves, our friends, our grades and our families. Half the time we don't even care about the last two, it's all somehow circumstantial to us.
But as we get older, as we experience more, as we learn more we gain back that empathy. Where we put it at that point is entirely up to us. People put it towards essential human rights, feminism, freedom of speech, gun control. Whatever it is that they seem to be passionate about. Some people put it in words, only arguing their ideas, and sharing it with the world. While others put their actions into play. Because there is something that I've learned in life so far in only 24 years. People can listen to you until you go blue in the face, but it is action that usually changes peoples opinions and minds.
Which is where I'm starting in my life of 2014. Of continuing to do more for organizations both locally and abroad. Because I don't feel that opinions or minds will be changed by words alone.
Helping change hearts and minds.
Helping change hearts and minds.
- Amanda.