There are several things that I know right off the bat that I would throw money at.
1. Children, especially those abused and abandoned.
2. Animals, with the same circumstance as above and also endangered ones.
3. Basic necessities, clean water, clothes, food. Things we take for granted here sometimes.
4. Women, ones trying to better their lives, and ones escaping abuse.
5. Education, because the world is better when you have an educated mind and heart.
6. Veterans, some fought and died for this country. I feel it's the least I can do.
So these are usually what I have the mind to donate to. Things that I feel passionate about and that I feel deserve the money. But I had to make another personal connection to all of these things, so I went digging through my past.
When I lived in Oak Harbor I had a cat, an orange Maine Coon by the name of Spike. He was with me through thick and thin, the good and the bad. Through all the times I moved, loved and was heart broken he was there. I remember telling him once, "Spike, out of all the men in my life you're the only one who's never left me." But he did because of my selfishness.

In my mind and in my heart I know Spike was a little tiger. He'd meow outside my door at night and demand I let him sleep in my bed with me. He had all those little markings on his face, loved to hunt and stalk around my apartment and sit at my table with me when I ate dinner. So these donations, are in honor of my lost love, and best friend for over 3 years Spike.
Through Razoo I was able to find many big cat organizations that needed donations, and only a few caught my eye. So, here are the places that I donated to.
Aside from placing animals in their sanctuary they also assist in immobilizing, transporting, housing and veterinary care of illegally owned Wildcats. They also facilitate rescues across states, and transport to reputable sanctuaries. They generate statewide public education and awareness, educating the public on safety regarding wildlife and why big cats aren't appropriate pets.
The Wildcat Sanctuary has a number of goals, like:
- Provide a safe solution for the public and a humane alternative for the residents.
- Provide free-roaming and natural habitats to the wildcats in our care.
- Minimize the number of dangerous, wild animals kept as pets through education, legislation and rescue.
- Provide a sanctuary in Minnesota that can provide more services to the state and surrounding areas through increased capacity, education center and training opportunities for future large animal veterinaries.
These goals I feel are admirable, especially for a non-profit that isn't open to the public. Unlike most sanctuaries where you can see the animals up close and personal. TWS feels that these animals have experienced enough in their lives (Read about the residents Here) and that to ensure they live stress free and happy they should be exposed to minimal amounts of people.
But if you love big cats, small cats, hybrids, and domestics then The Wildcat Sanctuary is the place for you.
How can you help:
- You can Donate any amount you see fit, and look at the many donation types available.
- You can donate to a specific Program of your choice. Each program ranges in price.
- You can Sponsor a Wild One. Starts at 150$ to 600$ to sponsor a specific cat.
- If you live in MN You can Volunteer.
- Don't patron traveling 'zoos' where photos with cubs are allowed and research animal exhibits to ensure they don't breed, buy or trade animals.

For this company I donated 25$ to the 'In memory' section of donations. I dedicated my donation to Spike, where ever he may be..
The next company that I donated to is Safe Haven Rescue Zoo located in Imlay, NV. They are a sprawling 160+ acre area that has a number of animals that call it home. There are foxes, tigers, coyotes, lions, and cougars; a whole smorgasbord if you will of animals.
They provide many kinds of services in the Nevada area. They are a rehabilitation program for animals eligible to be released back into the wild. They have an educational outreach program, with a number of presentations available on-site and off-site for students, adults and students in under-served communities. This programs reaches across four counties with over 15,000 students engaged.
Safe Haven is also looking to expand from their current 160 acres to 320 acres, providing more homes for more animals.
Safe Haven's mission is simple:
- Provide lifelong care for as many animals as we can accommodate, decreasing the number that are euthanized in the U.S. each year simply because there is insufficient space in sanctuaries such as ours.
- To rescue and rehabilitate indigenous wildlife .
- To provide education and outreach services to youth groups, adult groups, and schools in under-served communities.
- To develop a 'green' solar-powered facility that makes environmentally-responsible use of energy and other resources.
These goals are good, especially for so many animals that lose their homes due to urban expansion. Safe Haven provides these animals with a permanent home, and all the enrichment they could ever need. To allow them to live a long and happy life.
If you love animals of all kinds, and wish to see a place expand to allow more of these creatures to live happily then Safe Haven is the best means.

- You can 'adopt' an animal. Each animal is an annual fee starting at 25$.
- You can Donate any amount that you see fit.
- And if you live in NV you can Volunteer.
For this company I donated 25$ in their Donation section. Because I love tigers and I hope to see this group expand further to 320 acres.
I donated a total of 50$ to both organizations, if you wish to match my donation, or make any donation to Wildcat Sanctuary, donate here. If you with to make a donation to Safe Haven, donation link is here. Both these organizations are good causes to donate to for any animal lover.
If you have any questions, comments, concerns feel free to send a message or leave a comment below.
So much loves and misses for my beloved Spike. As well as much love to all the Tigers and wildcats out there. I hope someday we can all live to see these wonderful creatures in full stride.
- Amanda
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