When I was a kid, we didn't have much, and often relied upon the kindness of random people and my grandparents. Although we didn't have much I will always applaud my parents for doing all they could with what they had.

When we moved to Washington we lived in a tiny trailer between 5 people. My older sister and I slept in a bunk bed that I remember frequently falling out of. My Eldest sister slept on an overhang below our bed while my parents slept on a converted table. It was less than 200 sq ft split between 5 people. We soon had a home that my father built, a two room, two floor house. We had bunk beds built into the walls, a ladder that went upstairs and a wood stove. We commuted between the house and the trailer to get water, food or use the bathroom. It was only bad at night since I was afraid of the dark, but I remember it.
When I was a kid I remember wanting to help those children on the commercials that were
without food or water. I wanted to give my money away, go abroad and help build things, I wanted to do so much for others.
I brought in the usual can or two for can drives at my school. But never really learned about the impact donations had on lives until I got older, and supposedly wiser.
I learned about the joys and fun of donating and volunteering from my grandmother. Who regularly volunteered at the food bank. And every year would go through Heifer International, looking for gifts to give people.
So when people ask me why I do this my answer isn't because I had a crappy childhood, or that I'm trying to prove something. But it's far more simple then that.
I want to help people.
I lived so much of my life trying to break away from other people and to isolate myself from them that it's made me realize how small I try to be. I spent so much of my life wanting to stay in the shadows, wanting to stay quiet and keep to myself that it's made my life difficult. I've had a hard time making lasting, emotional connections with people and keeping thriving, lasting friendships. Which is one reason why I donate. I donate to these groups because I feel an emotional connection with them, that they represent something that I feel very strongly for and cal support wholeheartedly.
The Other Reasons Why I Donate:
These are my grandparents, Wayne and Mary. My Grandmother Mary for as long as I've known has always been trying to help people. She'd volunteer at the food bank, help us when we needed it, and even help other veterans like my grandfather.
My grandmother just recently fought breast cancer, and after radiation and a mastectomy, is finally seeing recovery. My grandmother is also who I learned to much of my empathy from. Which is why I hold health care so highly in my life, and why I'm supportive to all cancer treatments.
My grandfather is a Vietnam veteran. I've seen his photos from around the world and heard his story time and again. We all know what plagues most veterans from that era to now. Which is why I feel so strongly for Veterans and their continued and much needed support.
This is my other Grandmother, I never had the chance to know her. She died before I could know her, but I've heard so many things about her. I look at this picture of her and she looks and reminds me of my mother so much, and how much I wish I had known her.
She is another reason why I take health care so seriously. Also why I hold the traditions of family, loyalty and love so seriously. I may have never knew her, but I feel I can honor her memory by helping others that are in the same situation that she was.
My aunt Laura, who is also fighting breast cancer. When I was a child I remember her being apart of her children's lives, always. She was supportive, but strict at times. She'd feed us if we didn't have a meal, would be there when we needed the help.
She's support her children through thick and thin, and now more then anything needs support.
From her I learned my love for cooking, baking, and supporting the needs of others.
My parents, they tried to everything they could to provide a good home and a good future for us. Because of that I will always be grateful to my parents. They taught me from a young age the need and importance of being independent. To have faith in yourself, and importantly how to connect with people.
My parents have always been the foundation in which I base myself upon. They are both head strong, and unyielding people with odd senses of humor. I take so much from both of my parents, and their dedication to one another, and to their family is what drives me.
Because of them I take so many things in both life and causes seriously. I love animals because of them, I find family so important because of them. I find loyalty, honor, strength and love to be solely important because of them. I learned my opinions from them, and how to defend it well from others scrutiny.
From my father I learned how to defend my views and opinions with intelligence instead of blind idealism. The importance of being introspective, as well as the joy of a job well done, and the meaning of true independence. I donate because of the things he taught me about loyalty to others, and achieving a common goal.
From my mother I learned to be social, charismatic, and funny. To love unconditionally, and fully. She has taught me the overwhelming love of family, and the need for that unconditional love.
The final reason why I donate is for me.
At the age of 24 I'm well into my adulthood. I'm independent, I have a home, a job, a car. I have all of these things in my life that I've been grateful and blessed to have. Things and blessings that I'm willing to give to other people.
I don't expect to change the world, I don't expect to hand out to people money and hope they do good with it. I give to these people, these organizations because I have faith in what they're doing. Because I believe in the common goal of helping others and this world. Because by helping others in this world, in turn I also feel like I'm helping myself. By making meaningful, and lasting connections with organizations and the people working there as well as the people that read this blog, and believe in the message it provides.
I only wish the best for the world, and for it's people. I hope for clean water, education, medical availability, animal protection and rights, food, homes and basic human rights for all people. If everyone of us can believe in one of those things and go out of our way to fulfill that belief, then the world would be better off.
Which is why I donate. To try to help the world, and this is why I blog about it. To address this issue and these ideas to the world. To keep you and myself knowledgeable about what kinds of organizations are out there, and what kind of problems we are facing. What kind of animals we are endangering, what resources are low, and what people need help. Call it being idealistic. But I do hope someday, someone will come across this and agree that all life, in all aspects is important and needs our protection and support.
Someday I hope, we can all make a difference.
To that, I say thank you.
Sincerely, Amanda
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