In the past blog postings there has been some serious thought into the things that I do. Past the why do I do it, but why do I support these specific topics. With my last blog involving the United Way there was some thought into what they do, the services that they provide, and how the things that have happened in my life greatly effected on why I donate.
Some of these things I have heard about, heard through others and somethings I have experienced and lived personally. In all of this, there is just one key word to all of this, survival. It is a base of the human experience, and is the strongest urge that we have. But there have been moments in my life in which that urge, that need for survival meant nothing.
Honestly my childhood wasn't all that bad. Everyone has something or another that they have to complain about. My parents did their best with what they had, as does everyone when it comes to children. Admittedly it took a village to raise us, and it took a village to set each of us on a different path.
I took a path that was difficult, and filled with more painful lessons then one should really have to endure. Which is why I chose to dedicate this blog posting to these lessons, and more reasons behind why I donate to certain causes.
This posting is rather personal on some levels, and I'd completely understand as to why someone wouldn't want to read further. Some of this stuff is honestly not a pretty picture to have to read, but these things, these reasons are why I try so hard. Why I try to make a difference in any way, even if it's the smallest way.
So, then why not put it out in the open and just tell it from the top.

I ran away from a lot of situations; hid in trees half the time. I felt a close pull to nature vs. people when I was a kid. Still feel that pull to this very day, I love to plant and feel dirt on my skin. Which is why I always feel so drawn towards giving more to animals, and nature. Because I spent so much of my childhood in the woods, with animals, and in the dirt.
That's generally my childhood, it wasn't bad, we did what we could, and what we could was better than nothing.
Which is where my road starts to take a turn down a more difficult path.
In 2007 I attempted suicide.
It was three months before I graduated school, and in my youth I felt like being dumped was the end of the world. After 22 months with one person only to learn overnight that they didn't love you was a train wreck for me. I remember asking only once for him to make the same amount of effort in the relationship like I did everyday. From that I was dumped. Growing up now I see my mistakes and realize that what I did was stupid. No man at that age is worth trying to end ones life. No man at any age is worth trying to attempt suicide.
One night after a few months of constantly being in a depression and after he had moved on I couldn't take it. I took a gun, put it to my head and click, nothing. I handled being dumped in the worst possible way, and soon I told my school psychiatrist about it, who then informed my parents. I was given two choices, either transfer schools, or go to the psychiatric ward. So the next day I transferred out to Burlington, my families first choice in schools.

I look back on this part of my life and I am glad that I was able to fail. That I failed so miserably that I was able to be shoved back onto the right path in my life. That no matter what happened in my life at that time, no one, no man and no relationship was worth me trying to end my life.
Which is why I'm so compassionate about other peoples problems. Most of the time, I've been there, I've done that and I'm still alive. I survived and that is the greatest achievement of all to me. I survived one hardship, and I've been able to survive many more after that day.
Which leads my down perhaps the darkest moment in my life.
In 2010 I survived a sexual assault.
A family friend had visited Washington with what I thought was the intent to snowboard and see the sights. He became violent when we were staying at a hotel in Seattle cursing and yelling at me. He told me that since he spent so much money on me during this trip that he deserved it. I screamed, and eventually fought him off, which ended with him punching the wall beside me. Shouting at me about how this was all my fault, calling me every name in the book before slamming the hotel door.
I froze for a moment, realizing what had just happened. What could keep happening if I didn't get out of there. I felt sick to my stomach, disgusted at what had just happened that I started crying and desperately trying to pull myself together.
I gathered my things, dressed fast, and ran out the door, into my car and out of the county. I ran home as quick as I could, driving for 2 1/2 hours in the snow, with very little brakes, and no heat. I received angry phone calls, text messages and voice mails from him. Him bargaining with me, threatening me, calling me every name he could think of and when it didn't work he threatened to 'expose' me. I remember calling my mother when I got home at 5 am crying about what had happened. It wasn't until after almost 4 hours of sitting through angry texts and messages that I finally blocked his number.
I felt safe for only a small while, knowing that he was still in the state only made it worse. Made me fear that he knew where I lived, that he'd show up at my door threatening me in person. I spent the rest of that night awake, keeping an eye on the hill that lead up to my apartment.
I survived a sexual assault at 22, an assault that still leaves me feeling angry and ashamed. Angry that there are men out there that feel entitled to a woman's body based upon money. Ashamed, because this happened to me. But it took me two years to learn and accept that this incident was NOT my fault. It was never my fault, and because of this incident I've become more involved in woman's rights and support.
Because of this, I still fight to this day. To keep the memories suppressed, to move on, and continue to help those less off than me. Men, women, children, the homeless, the veterans, the animals, and nature. To me, my experiences are only a stepping stone to become a better person all around. To try and find balance in my life, and to help others find a balance in theirs. Because in the end we're all haunted by a memory or two, but learning to move past it, and to better oneself, that is the most difficult thing to accomplish.
I survived a lot of things, some in which were my own decisions; from homelessness, to suicide. To things that weren't my choice, from being mugged to being assaulted. This is a message to everyone in hardship, to everyone on a dark path in life.
You WILL survive. You MUST survive.
This journey of donating to organizations is a way for me to come to terms with what had happened in all aspects of my life. To look past them, and to help others that are living the same things that I had to live. Or to help the very things that I love passionately and openly. This blog is personal on so many levels, from the reasons why I donate to each organization to the personal experiences regarding each topic. In the end there is one thing that seems to come from this.
Donating: It's Personal.
This blog, is my way to open up. To shed light on wonderful groups, and to shed light on my life. To show myself and the world that the events in your life are only a small part of who you are. It's what you do with those experiences, and that knowledge that makes a difference.
So, continue to survive, and continue to find balance within yourself.
For a calm mind, a gentle heart and a balanced body are very rare things to have in this modern world.
- Amanda
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