Washington is usually cold and windy at this time, but nothing for us to sneeze at. It starts to rain and we get used to not seeing the sun for the next several months. But there has been a general attitude that I've been noticing that in this time of year, we have a tendency to just shut out the world.
And it's understandable, it's cold, it's wet, thanksgiving is coming up, black Friday is RIGHT after, and Christmas is right around the corner.
It is a time of year in which we are so wrapped up in ourselves, and in our money that we don't see the
problems and issues that are outside our country.
I only say this because recently in my news feed I have rarely heard anything regarding Typhoon Haiyan. Out of everyone I know, only one person has made an effort to inform the world about this Super Typhoon that has devastated so many lives.
On Nov. 8th Haiyan made landfall in the Philippines leaving a wave of destruction in it's path. With sustaining gusts of up to 195 mph and gusts that reached up to 235 mph. Haiyan is considered to be the strongest typhoon to ever make landfall in the world. With gusts that destroyed 70-80% of structures that were within it's path, leveling towns and coastal villages.
From this disaster an estimated 10,000 people have been killed, more are expected once rescuers reach other villages along the coast. Haiyan has also brought flash floods, and landslides with it's own destruction.

Nearly 620,000 people are displaced and 9.5 million people are 'affected' by Typhoon Haiyan. UNICEF estimates that 40% of those effected by the storm are children- up to 4 million children may be at risk.
Because of this disaster many water and sewage systems have been destroyed, increasing the risk or Cholera, and many other diseases without proper water purification and hygiene.
One of the main reasons why this is such a large thing to me is because of the sheer power of nature. That this, a Category 5 typhoon could and would do so much. But the worst part for me is what is happening to the children in that nation. That without medicine, without proper water, filtration, hygiene: these children are more susceptible to disease.
But because of my mother hen nature, these children remind me of my sisters children.
I love my sisters children, I love all 5 of them. They are my greatest loves, prides, and joys. Because of this, because of my nature I am very defensive of children and their lives. Regardless of what race, religion, or social and physical barriers that separate us from them. In my adult life, I have noticed and admired children for their ability to overcome hardship, and adversity. In a situation in which I know that I would fall apart and be of no use to anyone. Children pick themselves up, recover and continue living their lives freely, and joyously.

There are numerous things that one can do to give to the Philippines. All in which can be done from the comfort of home.
You can Donate to UNICEF's efforts in the Philippines, delivering emergency supplies, for the health, medical, shelter and needs of children. 90.4 cents out of every dollar donated is used to programs.
Donate to Project Hope. A group that I previously reviewed and donated to. A group that is sending Medical supplies, health education, medicines and volunteers. Each dollar that is donated 96 cents is used for their programs. Project Hope is sending out 105$ worth of medical supplies to each dollar that is donated.
Donate to CARE, a group that is currently on the ground in the Philippines providing food, water, shelter and other essentials to survivors.
Donate to the Red Cross, which provides food, shelter, and has volunteer groups through the Philippines, in Haiyans wake. The Red Cross donates 91 cents of each dollar to their relief efforts.
In the wake of a natural disaster of such proportions I will be donating 50$ to two groups.
The first group that I will be donating to, is Project HOPE. A group that I have learned much about, and have donated to before in a previous blog. The reason why I am donating to them again is because they stated that for each 1$ that is donated 105$ of medical supplies will be sent. Project HOPE was also founded upon the idea that medical availability should be for everyone. Something I hope to see very soon in my life.
The second group that I am donating to is UNICEF. UNICEF believes in saving children by whatever means necessary. From placing a well, to negotiating a cease-fire so children can be vaccinated. This group works in 190 countries, providing food, clean water, shelter, sanitation, and education. They are delivering supplies that are already stocked in the Philippines to regions like Tacloban.

I'm not much of a person based on faith, faith and religion escape me, and usually leaves a bad taste in my mouth. I'm much less a person who has faith in humanity. Recently the events in history and the news has made my faith in people dwindle slowly. Between peoples blind hate, fear and xenophobia I have a very hard time regaining my faith in people. But I hope that with this event will be able to reunite the world in the equality of kindness, charity and love. And hopefully in turn, help me
regain some of the faith that I have lost in humanity.
I hope and pray for the lives of those effected by this horrible tragedy. That they reach safety, that they can soon be able to return and rebuild their lives. I hope this, I hope so much for this world and I hope that I'm not alone in this sentiment.
Keep hope alive, and each other.
- Amanda.