Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Donation #9: Snow Leopards

It's New Years Eve here in Washington and a lot of things has happened to us in the past week. Seattle Seahawks have become NFC champions, and we've all survived the awkwardness and stress that follows the holidays. Roads are starting to clear as people realize that they're not in that big of a rush to go anywhere.

A new year brings new possibilities for everyone, and the quick closing of one chapter of life to the next one. As I remember someone once saying, "This chapter will end, and another 365 day chapter will begin. Be sure to start it off right."

For most people it's setting up resolutions that they'll struggle to keep all year. Whether it's eat healthier, exercise more, or to care less. We set ourselves up for failure almost half the time, which is why resolutions are so damnably hard to keep.

But my new years resolution is just the same as my mission here. Give more, take less, help others.

Which is where my newest posting comes in.

Snow Leopards.

When I think of these cats I'm met with an equal fascination. Mostly in their abilities and how they behave.

Big cats have always been an interest of mine. Mostly just the general state of their nature, their habitat and the means of survival. Big cats, including snow leopards have always been something I hope to understand more.

Hopefully just like me, you have an affinity for these wonderful solitary creatures and hope to do more in the future, resolution or not.

In the past I have supported a few big cat groups, namely Wildcat Sanctuary and Safe Haven Rescue Zoo. But with this blog I will be introducing two more groups that are looking to save not only this creature, but many others.

The first group that I'm going to talk about is Snow Leopard Trust.

The Snow Leopard Trust is a Seattle based group that works in 5 of the 12 countries where snow leopards are found. But in these 5 countries, they contain over 75% of the worlds population of wild snow leopards. The countries that they work in are ChinaIndiaKyrgyzstanMongolia and Pakistan

Snow Leopard Trust covers many things with their conservation programs. Each conservation unique to the areas in which they work. 

In  Mongolia they work side by side with people living in the Snow Leopards environment to help create a sustainable economic opportunities to help reduce poaching. This program helps families in financial hardship, that also helps families make more money and to turn away from illegal poaching for financial support.

All items that are created by these families are then sold at a mutually agreed upon price and then sold through their online store. This program drastically increases the money earned for each families income up to 40%.

In other areas like India, they set up a Livestock Insurance program. A program that a community maintains a pool of money that is specifically designated to reimburse families who lose domestic animals due to snow leopards. This program provides funding requires to build a strong financial foundation that eventually becomes self-sustaining.

To participate, each herder must sign a conversation agreement, pledging to protect the snow leopard and wild prey species in their area from poaching. If a member violates the contract, they are no longer able to participate in the insurance program.

There is also an added incentive, a small annual bonus is given out to the herder that has lost the fewest animals to predators. As well as setting aside graze free areas, which helps promote the the use by the snow leopards wild prey and a decrease in livestock loss.

Although a loss of space for livestock can create a hardship, this program works with community leaders to give adequate compensation, which is paid separately from the insurance fund. All of these efforts mounted together help reduce retribution killings caused by loss of livestock and in time help create financial stability for herders and their families.

Their other programs include conservation education programs, camera studies, genetic research, and long-term ecological studies.

Snow Leopard Trusts' mission is thus.

  • Understanding snow leopard behavior and habitat
  • Listening to the community to identify needs.
  • Seeking resources for sustaining long-term programs.
When looking at Snow leopard Trusts' financials you will see that in 2012 they received Charity Navigators credited 4 stars. With a majority of your donation going towards those essential programs.

So if you're looking to Give. There are a number of things that you can do.

  • You can make a donation, entering any amount you feel or starting at 25$, at this moment all donations will be doubled, up to $1,000.
  • You can Adopt a snow leopard, starting at 25$ that gives you a certificate and
    a snow leopard fact sheet.
  • You can shop. Helping support not only conservation efforts for snow leopards. But helping create economic stability for families participating in this program.
  • You can Volunteer, no matter where you are.
  • Pledge monthly donations for 'Team Snow Leopard.'
  • Or you can give at workpartner, or bequest.
To this group I will be donating 30$. To continue with their conservation efforts, research and continued work regarding financial hardship in other regions.

This is a group I would like to hear more about, and since in the Seattle area. A group that I will be able to work with personally in the future.

The second group that I will be looking at is the WCN, or Wildlife Conservation Network

WCN is a Los Altos, CA based company. One that has earned Charity Navigators 4 star accreditation and received top wildlife charity by Charity Navigator as well. 

What WCN does is a number of things for various groups and projects, currently their programs:

  • Develop skills for individual conservationists; such as strategic planning, marketing and accounting. 
  • Leveraging Conservation expertise, cross-partner visit program which exchanges information between conservationists from children's education programs to camera trapping. as well as continuing communication between conservationists virtually throughout the year.
  •  The WCN scholarship program, which invests in the next generation of conservationists. So far the WCN has awarded 48 scholarships to promising conservationists from 22 countries. 
  • Building collaborations, by building relationships with groups worldwide that can offer skills or services to enhance the conservationists work. WCN invests in opportunities for their partners to participate in inititaves such as training program to jump start the careers of talented young leaders, and the Conservation Strategy Fund, which provides conservation economics analyses and training courses. 
  • Finally their Solar Project created in 2006. A project created to provide solar energy to conservation projects around the world. Combining cutting-edge technology with wildlife conservation and sustainable environmental practices. To date there are 24 systems to 10 conservation projects in 7 countries.
The WCN doesn't take this task lightly either. With the money they identify, qualify and invest int he growth and development of leading independent wildlife conservationists around the world. They also give donors the opportunity to get to know conservationists they support through events, field visits and firsthand updates on their work. By creating a 100% donation model, 100% of your donation will be used when you give to a specific WCN- supported animal. Ensuring that 100% of your money will be used in the field of conservation.

You can learn more about WCN under the Why section.

At the WCN their efforts are to save endangered species in 24 countries around the world. Ranging from the Cotton-top Tamarin in Colombia to the Saiga Antelope in Uzbekistan. You read more about their programs and animals here.

With several conservation funds to large cats, and small cats the choice is difficult, but in my case this choice is the easiest. 

Continuing on with my love for the Snow Leopard I will be making a donation to the Snow Leopard Conservancy.

This program takes a rather unique approach to conservation, by creating eco-tourism in these areas. It helps benefit locals and create the perception that this endangered animal can create an economic opportunities for those living below the poverty line. 

This program also helps create an insurance fund for those who lose livestock to snow leopards, and help community members learn how to save money and earn interest. Earning an extra amount of funding towards snow leopard conservation activities.

Finally, creating livestock protection for those living in the territory of the Snow Leopard. By creating predator proof corrals with herders, it lowers the loss of livestock each year, thus reducing revenge killing of such animals. They also provide information on improved animal husbandry and guarding practices. 

To get involved, and do more you can.

To this group I will also be donating $30. To help their continued efforts to help these wonderful, and mysterious creatures.

So in conclusion, I have donated $60 total to these two wonder organizations, and I hope that you have learned as much about these groups as I have. 

I hope that we can all continue to support and do more for the things that we love in this upcoming year.

Here's to 2014, hoping it to be the most informative, creative, exploration driven year so far. 

Here's to it, and to you all as well.

- Amanda.

Monday, December 23, 2013

Donations: 'Tis The Season.

It's December and there's a chill in the air here in the United States. No one so far is safe from the onslaught of cold except Florida and Hawaii. But if you live in the other 48 states you'll realize that with this cold there comes alot of things.

People have shorter attention spans and a sense of patience. It's expected when your temperatures are dipping into the teens. But with this time of year there is a sense of giving and community that unites us all.

We all look upon Christmas in a more generous light. According to a survey, 57% of the respondents donate to a charity in some way over the holidays. 46% make a monetary donation directly to an organization, 64% donate to a third party, like a bell ringer or at the checkout counter. 24% buy gifts through an adopt-a-family program or various others. 63% donate household and nonperishable food items. While 22% donate through volunteering.

The average person makes 24% of all their donations between Thanksgiving and New Years according to the Center on Philanthropy. Network for Good also reported that the average donation is higher in the holidays: in 2010 the average donation was 142$ versus an average of 91$ that year. If you want to see what the donating forecast is this year read this.

Because people are more willing and giving during the holidays, it is becoming more and more difficult to figure out who and what to donate to.

Honestly, the most important things to look for when you donate to groups or an organization is.

1. What it is you want to donate to. If you donate to something that you feel passionate about. Something you truly want to invest in with little to no return that is better then making a quick pick in a department. So figure out what it is you want to donate to. Whether it is animals, homelessness, food banks, or social works. Knowing what it is that you're passionate about is the most difficult thing you can learn. So explore the possibilities, whether it's domestic works or international.


2. It's rating, you can look up a certain charities rating via Charity Navigator. But remember to look past the rating. A charity may have a good rating, but it may not have the kind of strategy that you want to see implemented. Or it doesn't cover the area that you want to see your money go towards. So, when you find it, google it and sift through all the details and I mean ALL of them. From finances, to office corporations or administrative staff.

It's your money remember, so sniff it out and give it a feel before you decide to put in an investment. If you need any inspiration or knowledge on any previous organizations that I've covered sift on through.

But for me this year I will be doing more than my usual rabble.

This year in Life Through Donations I have already.

Donated several boxes of food to our local food bank Northwest Harvest.

I have also participated in my companies annual adopt-a-family. This year we had 5 families to choose from, all in which a member had an affliction of some kind. Out of all the groups I chose to adopt the single mother of 3 children. The reason why I chose this was because she has stage 4 breast cancer.

Breast Cancer is a terrible thing, something that I know my family feels very close to because of how it has affected us.

My grandmother was diagnosed with breast cancer over 4 years ago and my aunt was diagnosed about a year ago. So getting the chance to help someone with the same affliction as my grandmother and aunt was my immediate reason why I signed up.

As well as donated almost 500$ to wonderful non profit groups both locally and internationally.

This year has given me a greater appreciation of the human spirit. No matter the situation, we as a species try our hardest to make the best of any situation. We fight, we quarrel, and we try our best to provide for ourselves, and those we love.

This year was filled with reflection on my life, and the understanding that sometimes peoples lives aren't perfect. Sometimes we don't come from the best backgrounds, or from the best families, or the most money. But it isn't the past that defines us anymore, it is what we've learned from the past and what we do in the future that will define us. Because of this experience I've learned to accept the things that have happened in my life and give myself closure.

In this experience I've grown from someone who was so caught up in my day to day life of bills and stress. To being someone who is invested in the human spirit, and in helping the very condition of human nature and the nature of the world. Becoming more of a philanthropist as my work continues on.

My work has spread from just one or two groups to several, both locally and internationally. It has helped me solidify my work and my abilities to try and give back more for each organization that I wish to assist. Which has created my brain child Painting Donations. A little shop that I'm slowly trying to understand, and hopefully move up. Each painting that I sell goes an benefits a non-profit that represent that animal. Either a sanctuary, breeding programs or wildlife preservation.

In my several months I have created so many projects, and have so many seen so many different experiences that I wish to someday experience myself. It has taught me the importance of the need for exploration, in ones talents and in the world itself.

So I'm hoping after this year and into 2014, I wish to become more, explore more, share more and experience more. I wish to travel more, learn more, and contribute more
into this world. Hopefully, on the route that I'm on and continuing I will be able to bring more into my world, and into this world online.

Have a happy and safe holidays.

- Amanda.

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Donation #8 - Haiyan

In the past few days I have been sort of riddled with the concept of nature, and it's overall power.

Washington is usually cold and windy at this time, but nothing for us to sneeze at. It starts to rain and we get used to not seeing the sun for the next several months. But there has been a general attitude that I've been noticing that in this time of year, we have a tendency to just shut out the world.

And it's understandable, it's cold, it's wet, thanksgiving is coming up, black Friday is RIGHT after, and Christmas is right around the corner.

It is a time of year in which we are so wrapped up in ourselves, and in our money that we don't see the
problems and issues that are outside our country.

I only say this because recently in my news feed I have rarely heard anything regarding Typhoon Haiyan. Out of everyone I know, only one person has made an effort to inform the world about this Super Typhoon that has devastated so many lives.

On Nov. 8th Haiyan made landfall in the Philippines leaving a wave of destruction in it's path. With sustaining gusts of up to 195 mph and gusts that reached up to 235 mph. Haiyan is considered to be the strongest typhoon to ever make landfall in the world. With gusts that destroyed 70-80% of structures that were within it's path, leveling towns and coastal villages.

From this disaster an estimated 10,000 people have been killed, more are expected once rescuers reach other villages along the coast. Haiyan has also brought flash floods, and landslides with it's own destruction.

This is the third major crisis that the Philippines has endured. First an armed conflict in Zamboanga, The 7.2 earthquake in Bohol, and now Typhoon Haiyan.

Nearly 620,000 people are displaced and 9.5 million people are 'affected' by Typhoon Haiyan. UNICEF estimates that 40% of those effected by the storm are children- up to 4 million children may be at risk.

Because of this disaster many water and sewage systems have been destroyed, increasing the risk or Cholera, and many other diseases without proper water purification and hygiene.

One of the main reasons why this is such a large thing to me is because of the sheer power of nature. That this, a Category 5 typhoon could and would do so much. But the worst part for me is what is happening to the children in that nation. That without medicine, without proper water, filtration, hygiene: these children are more susceptible to disease.

But because of my mother hen nature, these children remind me of my sisters children.

I love my sisters children, I love all 5 of them. They are my greatest loves, prides, and joys. Because of this, because of my nature I am very defensive of children and their lives. Regardless of what race, religion, or social and physical barriers that separate us from them.  In my adult life, I have noticed and admired children for their ability to overcome hardship, and adversity. In a situation in which I know that I would fall apart and be of no use to anyone. Children pick themselves up, recover and continue living their lives freely, and joyously.

Which is why I advocate so much for the rights, and lives of children. Because in our world filled with so much hate, so much bad news and so much fear. The selflessness and happiness that I see everyday from children is inspiring. That after so much they can continue to care, about their lives and the lives of others while still having that positive attitude that seems to allude most of us.

There are numerous things that one can do to give to the Philippines. All in which can be done from the comfort of home.

You can Donate to UNICEF's efforts in the Philippines, delivering emergency supplies, for the health, medical, shelter and needs of children. 90.4 cents out of every dollar donated is used to programs.

Donate to Project Hope. A group that I previously reviewed and donated to. A group that is sending Medical supplies, health education, medicines and volunteers. Each dollar that is donated 96 cents is used for their programs. Project Hope is sending out 105$ worth of medical supplies to each dollar that is donated.

Donate to CARE, a group that is currently on the ground in the Philippines providing food, water, shelter and other essentials to survivors.

Donate to the Red Cross, which provides food, shelter, and has volunteer groups through the Philippines, in Haiyans wake. The Red Cross donates 91 cents of each dollar to their relief efforts.

In the wake of a natural disaster of such proportions I will be donating 50$ to two groups.

The first group that I will be donating to, is Project HOPE.  A group that I have learned much about, and have donated to before in a previous blog. The reason why I am donating to them again is because they stated that for each 1$ that is donated  105$ of medical supplies will be sent. Project HOPE was also founded upon the idea that medical availability should be for everyone. Something I hope to see very soon in my life.

The second group that I am donating to is UNICEF. UNICEF believes in saving children by whatever means necessary. From placing a well, to negotiating a cease-fire so children can be vaccinated. This group works in 190 countries, providing food, clean water, shelter, sanitation, and education. They are delivering supplies that are already stocked in the Philippines to regions like Tacloban.

All in all I will be donating 100$ for the efforts in the Philippines, and in hopes that those that I know with family there will be reunited with them soon enough.

I'm not much of a person based on faith, faith and religion escape me, and usually leaves a bad taste in my mouth. I'm much less a person who has faith in humanity. Recently the events in history and the news has made my faith in people dwindle slowly. Between peoples blind hate, fear and xenophobia I have a very hard time regaining my faith in people. But I hope that with this event will be able to reunite the world in the equality of kindness, charity and love. And hopefully in turn, help me
regain some of the faith that I have lost in humanity.

I hope and pray for the lives of those effected by this horrible tragedy. That they reach safety, that they can soon be able to return and rebuild their lives. I hope this, I hope so much for this world and I hope that I'm not alone in this sentiment.

Keep hope alive, and each other.

- Amanda.

Saturday, November 2, 2013

Donating: It's Personal.

In the past blog postings there has been some serious thought into the things that I do. Past the why do I do it, but why do I support these specific topics. With my last blog involving the United Way there was some thought into what they do, the services that they provide, and how the things that have happened in my life greatly effected on why I donate.

Some of these things I have heard about, heard through others and somethings I have experienced and lived personally. In all of this, there is just one key word to all of this, survival. It is a base of the human experience, and is the strongest urge that we have. But there have been moments in my life in which that urge, that need for survival meant nothing.

Honestly my childhood wasn't all that bad. Everyone has something or another that they have to complain about. My parents did their best with what they had, as does everyone when it comes to children. Admittedly it took a village to raise us, and it took a village to set each of us on a different path.
I took a path that was difficult, and filled with more painful lessons then one should really have to endure. Which is why I chose to dedicate this blog posting to these lessons, and more reasons behind why I donate to certain causes.

This posting is rather personal on some levels, and I'd completely understand as to why someone wouldn't want to read further. Some of this stuff is honestly not a pretty picture to have to read, but these things, these reasons are why I try so hard. Why I try to make a difference in any way, even if it's the smallest way.

So, then why not put it out in the open and just tell it from the top.

I didn't understand childhood, I couldn't understand the social dynamics of being a kid. I was awkward, and anti-social, I didn't like having to be with other kids, or being around them. But I longed for friendship, just didn't know how to go about it. I was raised on my grandparents property in Bow, WA. The only other kids that there was to play with was my cousins and my sisters. So my social development was rather marred by my inability to access social situations. I didn't like to dress up when I started getting older: I hated dresses, hated makeup. I enjoyed my life as a tomboy and I enjoyed my life playing sports and living in silence.

I ran away from a lot of situations; hid in trees half the time. I felt a close pull to nature vs. people when I was a kid. Still feel that pull to this very day, I love to plant and feel dirt on my skin. Which is why I always feel so drawn towards giving more to animals, and nature. Because I spent so much of my childhood in the woods, with animals, and in the dirt.

That's generally my childhood, it wasn't bad, we did what we could, and what we could was better than nothing.

Which is where my road starts to take a turn down a more difficult path.

In 2007 I attempted suicide.

It was three months before I graduated school, and in my youth I felt like being dumped was the end of the world. After 22 months with one person only to learn overnight that they didn't love you was a train wreck for me. I remember asking only once for him to make the same amount of effort in the relationship like I did everyday. From that I was dumped. Growing up now I see my mistakes and realize that what I did was stupid. No man at that age is worth trying to end ones life. No man at any age is worth trying to attempt suicide.

One night after a few months of constantly being in a depression and after he had moved on I couldn't take it. I took a gun, put it to my head and click, nothing. I handled being dumped in the worst possible way, and soon I told my school psychiatrist about it, who then informed my parents. I was given two choices, either transfer schools, or go to the psychiatric ward. So the next day I transferred out to Burlington, my families first choice in schools.

In the matter of a few months I got my life back around, I graduated, got better grades. Had a good job for a 17 year old, and eventually found a new boyfriend. My life at that point was turning around, albeit slowly.

I look back on this part of my life and I am glad that I was able to fail. That I failed so miserably that I was able to be shoved back onto the right path in my life. That no matter what happened in my life at that time, no one, no man and no relationship was worth me trying to end my life.

Which is why I'm so compassionate about other peoples problems. Most of the time, I've been there, I've done that and I'm still alive. I survived and that is the greatest achievement of all to me. I survived one hardship, and I've been able to survive many more after that day.

Which leads my down perhaps the darkest moment in my life.

In 2010 I survived a sexual assault.

A family friend had visited Washington with what I thought was the intent to snowboard and see the sights. He became violent when we were staying at a hotel in Seattle cursing and yelling at me. He told me that since he spent so much money on me during this trip that he deserved it. I screamed, and eventually fought him off, which ended with him punching the wall beside me. Shouting at me about how this was all my fault, calling me every name in the book before slamming the hotel door.

I froze for a moment, realizing what had just happened. What could keep happening if I didn't get out of there. I felt sick to my stomach, disgusted at what had just happened that I started crying and desperately trying to pull myself together.

I gathered my things, dressed fast, and ran out the door, into my car and out of the county. I ran home as quick as I could, driving for 2 1/2 hours in the snow, with very little brakes, and no heat. I received angry phone calls, text messages and voice mails from him. Him bargaining with me, threatening me, calling me every name he could think of and when it didn't work he threatened to 'expose' me. I remember calling my mother when I got home at 5 am crying about what had happened. It wasn't until after almost 4 hours of sitting through angry texts and messages that I finally blocked his number.

I felt safe for only a small while, knowing that he was still in the state only made it worse. Made me fear that he knew where I lived, that he'd show up at my door threatening me in person. I spent the rest of that night awake, keeping an eye on the hill that lead up to my apartment.

I survived a sexual assault at 22, an assault that still leaves me feeling angry and ashamed. Angry that there are men out there that feel entitled to a woman's body based upon money. Ashamed, because this happened to me. But it took me two years to learn and accept that this incident was NOT my fault. It was never my fault, and because of this incident I've become more involved in woman's rights and support.

Because of this, I still fight to this day. To keep the memories suppressed, to move on, and continue to help those less off than me. Men, women, children, the homeless, the veterans, the animals, and nature. To me, my experiences are only a stepping stone to become a better person all around. To try and find balance in my life, and to help others find a balance in theirs. Because in the end we're all haunted by a memory or two, but learning to move past it, and to better oneself, that is the most difficult thing to accomplish.

I survived a lot of things, some in which were my own decisions; from homelessness, to suicide.  To things that weren't my choice, from being mugged to being assaulted. This is a message to everyone in hardship, to everyone on a dark path in life.

You WILL survive. You MUST survive.

This journey of donating to organizations is a way for me to come to terms with what had happened in all aspects of my life. To look past them, and to help others that are living the same things that I had to live. Or to help the very things that I love passionately and openly. This blog is personal on so many levels, from the reasons why I donate to each organization to the personal experiences regarding each topic. In the end there is one thing that seems to come from this.

Donating: It's Personal.

This blog, is my way to open up. To shed light on wonderful groups, and to shed light on my life. To show myself and the world that the events in your life are only a small part of who you are. It's what you do with those experiences, and that knowledge that makes a difference.

So, continue to survive, and continue to find balance within yourself.

For a calm mind, a gentle heart and a balanced body are very rare things to have in this modern world.

- Amanda

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Donation #7- United Way

Here at work the whole month of October is dedicated to The United Way. A time where our front end managers and supervisors line us up asking how much we're willing to donate. Twice I have escaped the line up only because I was either 1. Out on lunch, or 2. Off work. But finally I was able to have a sit down and chat with my at work mother Ceya about the United Way.

She explained to me about the donations we're doing and how it can directly effect that state of King County, WA. After our little heart to heart about donating either time or money to worthy causes, she asked me how much I was willing to donate.

A moment of panic set in. I was instantly confused, I had to immediately go over my finances in my head and prioritize. It was bouncing back and forth; 35, 50, no 40, no 75. In that brief minute of pulling mental money aside for rent, a new car and my numerous medical payments it dawned on me. It's not the end of the world. I'm lucky to be where I'm at, to have the support of my family, my friends and the man that I love. I'm lucky to work for my company, to have my job, and to have a company match half my donation. I thought about it further and with confidence proclaimed the amount to be pulled from my next check to be 50.

But then I figured, why stop there? This month in the name of good spirit and all the wonderful things that United Way does, I will donate another 100$ for their work in King County.

Why you may ask, why would you give more money to this group then to any other so far?

Well let me tell you a story.

In 2011 I was homeless for a brief period. When I first moved to Seattle all I had was my car, and it's contents. I relied upon the kindness of people I knew, and sometimes family until I found a couch to sleep on and an actual job. 2011 wasn't the smartest time for me, moved in with a guy dumped me and kicked me out a month later. I moved my things to my sisters garage. Lived on her couch for awhile, and then left for Seattle, thinking I'll make it. I slept in the back seat of my car, showered at peoples places and lived off the left overs of something cheap I bought in Chinatown. I don't condone being homeless, but it is one of the more humbling experiences in life.

The reason why I am willing to give more the United Way is because they do a lot.

The United Way of King County is looking to:

- End Homelessness.
- Meet people's basic needs.
- Give kids an equal chance. 
- Bolster human services.

Each of these services helps so many people.

One of the services that The United Way is looking to do is End Homelessness.

Supporting emergency shelters and long term homelessness to help combat Chronic Homelessness, a campaign that met with much success. Allowing United Way and its partners to open 1,800 units of housing, and gather in resources for years to come.

Helping families by investing in housing, child care and counseling services. United way has five principles for helping families avoid or recover from homelessness. Early intervention and prevention, coordination of support services, rapid re-housing, tailoring services to each family and assist in managing money and employment.

Assisting veterans in employment opportunities, with veterans making up 9% of the homeless population, and 1 in 10 without a job. By assisting veterans with permanent housing, United way can take the next step by assisting and partnering with employers to conduct job training and bring veterans back into the workforce.

Helping homeless youths, a population that makes up to roughly 20% of the homeless population of King County. Since homeless youths are at such high risk of drug, and alcohol addiction as well as victims of crime United Way is intensifying their focus on youth homelessness. With the help of several partners, United way is looking to help prevent homelessness by identifying at risk children and either surrounding the family with counseling support.

Helping identify critical gaps within the partners, to mobilize more money and help maintain resources for at risk children, this includes money and volunteers. As well as helping coordinate groups to ensure that each child gets what they need and that available housing and are used effectively.

These things are important for a family trying to escape abuse, or for a foster kid living alone on the streets. Or for a veteran unable to get a job, these services speak to all backgrounds regardless. Which is one of the reasons why I find United Way so important.

Another service that they have is meeting peoples basic needs.

The United Way is looking to end hunger in King county, a subject that I covered in a Previous Blog. They meet this need by providing summer meal programs to children through the One Million Meals  program.

The United way also helps set people up with basic needs like housing, assistance with utilities, setting up food stamps, childrens' health insurance, and job training. They also assist people with their yearly Tax Returns, ensuring those with disabilities, age, income or language barriers can secure their returns. These investments are are especially focused on on households with job loss, single-parent families, recently returned veterans and non-english speakers. This service alone has helped 12,000 people keep their homes with assistance in rent, utilities and mortgages.

The United Way also helps children in a multitude of ways. By improving child care, educating family, friends and neighbor caregivers. As well as providing training for child care providers who handle special needs children. They intervene early by assisting families with children that have developmental challenges, either physically or mentally. As well as intervening in cases of child abuse and neglect.

Finally the United way is looking to Bolster Human Services. This includes services like, youth programs that promote academic achievement and learning strong life skills. Providing support of survivors of domestic violence and sexual assault. Committing services to older adults by providing meals, and assist caregivers. Bring accessible health care and substance abuse treatment to families and individuals. Creating job training programs for individuals, families and veterans looking to get back into the working world. As well as disaster preparation, allowing food and other resources to be available when natural and man-made disasters happen.

With the United Way 97 cents out of every dollar donated is used to help these programs. Programs that benefit everyone in the King County area.

If you wish to help the United Way, you can:

Volunteer (If you live in King County/ Seattle, WA)
Ways to Give in a multitude of ways.
Or, you can Donate.

Remember That you can donate to your own United Way in your county and area. Just in case you don't live in Seattle, or Washington.

For this group I am donating 50$ to The United Way of Skagit County, my original home, and to this day, still brings back some old, fond memories.

I will also be donating another 50$ for The United Way of King County, my new and current home. A home that has brought me much joy, and the greatest love in my life.

Because of my job also, I will be donating 50$ from my next paycheck to the UWKC, and the company will match half my donation. Putting this whole donating series to 175$ donated to both Skagit and King County residents. Two homes that have shaped me into the person that I am today.

With my admiration, Amanda.

Friday, October 4, 2013

Donation #6 - Health

I'm sick, not like sick of the world or anything. Just the usual sick, scratchy throat, a gravely sounding voice, the sudden urge for hot soup and tea. The kind of sick that says, "Oh awesome, it's fall. Time to slowly cash in my sick time."

Luckily for me, with the help of dayquil, nyquil, and netflix I should be better before I have another shift on carts, hopefully.

But for many in this country and around the world they aren't as lucky to have these things available, netflix and all.

But since the recent government shutdown in this country over the Affordable Healthcare Act, I feel like with universal healthcare we're finally coming out of the dark ages of health reform. But I'm going to avoid this subject now, out of fear of a sparked debate.

In 2009 around 45 million people in America alone were labeled as uninsured, while 25 million were considered as under insured. In this country as well around 700,000 Americans are forced into bankruptcy because of medical bills. I know a lot of people who have fought cancer and won. I know plenty of people who slipped a disc, twisted their ankle and were injured far more seriously and ended up with mountains of debt.

Hell, I'm one of those people.

I have kidney stones at the tender age of 24. Five of them to be exact, I have constant kidney infections that run 2 to 3 times a year. Some so bad I become hospitalized. I was bit in the face by a dog when I was three, I've fallen out of several trees. I fell off a ladder and twisted my ankle, I've sprained my wrist, cut my leg open, sliced my fingers to the bone and through it all I'm wading through medical bills. But I'm determined to pay them off, because I know that I'm lucky to have two types of insurance covering my butt.

Which is more than I can say for most people.

In 2004, 1 billion people lacked access to health care systems.
Over 7.5 million children die every year from malnutrition.
33.4 million people live with HIV.
2 million people die from AIDS.
1.7 million people die from TB.
36 million people die from noncommunicable diseases like cancer, diabetes and cardiovascular disease.

Millions of people die every year from simple, vaccine treated diseases that aren't available in their country or their region. Which is why I feel that giving people a medical chance to improve their health is a fundamental human right.

The main group that I'm focusing on is Project HOPE.

Project HOPE, is a Virginia based group that helps people in over 120 countries get access to quality and sustainable healthcare. They help educate health professionals and community workers in strengthening health systems, and improving the health of women and children. They provide humanitarian assistance through donated medicines, supplies and volunteer medical help.

They provide a number of things, health system strengthening by training and mentoring community volunteers and health workers. As well as renovating health facilities and provide donations of pharmaceuticals and health equipment.

They provide humanitarian assistance and disaster relief as well. With the help of volunteer doctors and nurses that update the knowledge and skills of local providers as well as provide medical supplies.

They also cover infectious diseases, in providing treatments, research and awareness. Awareness and prevention of non-communicable diseases such as obesity and diabetes with mobile clinics, wellness programs and support in local clinics.

Project HOPE also women's and children's health. Teaching women and caregivers prenatal care, and to strengthen economically for women to facilitate paying for costs associated with health and well being of orphans and vulnerable children. They have also implemented 29 children survival projects since 1985. Which focuses on immunization, child nutrition and the treatment and prevention of pneumonia and diarrhea.

This group was first started by Dr. William B Walsh, and M.D. that served as a medical officer aboard a destroyer during WWII. When he saw poor health conditions in the South Pacific, health conditions that could've easily been remedied by simple medical knowledge.

In 1958 Dr. Walsh persuaded President Dwight D. Eisenhower to donate a U.S. Navy hospital ship the USS Consolation. With 150$ and lots of support the SS Hope came to light and Project HOPE was born.

In 1960 after two years of refitting the SS Hope set sail from San Francisco bound for Indonesia. The SS Hope completed 11 voyages to several countries before retiring in 1974. Although retired the spirit of the SS Hope lives on through Project HOPES partnership with the U.S. Navy.

Project HOPES mission:

Delivering health education, medicines, supplies and volunteers where needed.

Over the years Project HOPE has been known for their financial integrity and efficiency. More than 90% of money raised goes towards their health projects around the world. From administering vaccinations to raising awareness of cervical cancer. While less than 10% goes towards management and fundraising costs.

There are many ways you can help.

- You can Donate. Any amount you see fit.
- You can Give in other ways. Planned giving, stock, bequest.
-  You can Volunteer.
- You can Fundraise.
- Or you can Support a volunteer.

There are many things you can do when it comes to this group if interested. But for me, since I don't live in Virginia, a donation of 25$ is the best I can muster.

Which now leads me back to my great political debate that so many Americans are fighting about.

If I ended up being unemployed, over 26 and no longer covered by my insurance or my parents. I'd feel that I have the fundamental human right to have access to healthcare. Affordable healthcare, that I can turn up at an ER when I'm passing a kidney stone and can be covered. That if, heaven forbid I end up with kidney damage I will be able to get a transplant without fear of being turned down by my insurance company.

I want to have a chance to grow old, get married, have children, even grand children. Have a career in whatever I want, have a nice home, with wooden floors and a piano. Heaven forbid if I touch it. I want the advantage that healthcare can provide, for myself and someday for my family. I want all people to have a chance to have access to the healthcare that they deserve. I suppose in that sense I'm an idealist, or an optimist, thinking that health care is easy for everyone. But regardless, everyone has their opinions, whether you agree with me or not.

All I say is, is that we all deserve it.

With much hope for both our country and the rest of the world.

- Amanda.

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Donation #5 - Food

As we start going into the fall months here in Western Washington there are many things that we begin to notice.

- The coloring of the leaves are going from green to red, orange or even a 'burnt umber' color.
- There is ALOT more rain.
- It's starting to get chilly.

With the drop in temperatures, and the recent torrents of rain, Washington is starting to get into it's 'wet season'. Which means that this weather is here to stay until late May to June.

Which then brings up the subject that I'm donating to today; Food.

Food is necessary for our survival, that much is true. But for many people food isn't readily available, which becomes an ever growing concern. Nationwide, worldwide hunger is a force that has each and every species in it's grip. Locally, Washington is the 15th hungriest state in the nation, and #1 in the northwest at a 15.4% in food insecurity.

Worldwide though nearly 870 million people live without enough food to eat. While severe malnutrition threatens the lives of 19 million children. Every year at least 3.5 million children die from malnutrition-related causes.

It's because of statistics like this I feel that those that are most vulnerable to hunger this time of year are in the greatest need of assistance. But it also reminds me of a time when I was in High School.

It was around Thanksgiving, and my school in Sedro was doing their yearly 'can-ival' a canned food drive to support local families that were affected by a flood earlier that year. I remember going through my families pantries trying to gather as many cans as possible. But it wasn't because of my giving nature, it was because we were having class competitions and I wanted to be #1. Because of my competitive nature I brought in 74 cans booming my class to #1 in the whole school. I cheered, and laughed as I remember dragging in 2 boxes, a milk crate, and a garbage bag of cans just so I can gloat.

I look back on that time with a little annoyance at myself, that I didn't see that time of year as an opportunity to spread some goodwill. But to instead inflate my own ego and win some tickets to dunk tank my schools vice principal.

Why I'm donating to these organizations now, are for completely different reasons then I had in the past.

Because food is important, and deep down inside I have a weakness for helping children. Even though I am scared of most of them, I do love kids and feel that they need the best opportunities to ensure and secure a future.

The organization that I'm donating to is Food Lifeline.

Food Lifeline is a Shoreline,WA group that provides food for over 745,000 people through their network of nearly 300 food banks, meal programs and shelters in Western Washington.  Last year they distributed more than 35 million pounds of food, enough food to equal more than 27 million meals.

But why Food Lifeline?

The answers are simple, this organization is cemented in over 17 counties in Washington alone, including some Skagit food banks that myself and my family know. They've created innovative solutions to help provide food that would otherwise be unsold in markets. Programs such as Seattle's TableGrocery Rescue, and Produce for the People. All programs that recover, and distributes donated food to food banks, providing much needed food for people.

Food Lifeline is also an affiliate with Feeding America a parent group that works with numerous other affiliates to ensure that hunger, as an issue is tackled effectively. By providing programs and services to all situations.

Food Lifeline is also a partner with The United Way of King County. A group that focuses on several key areas important to King county. Meeting people's basic needs, ending homelessness, bolstering human services and giving kids equal chances. The United Way is a group that I donate 50$ to every year 1/2 goes to homelessness and the other goes to keeping kids safe from abuse and neglect.

This is why I chose to donate to Food Lifeline. Because they're looking to ensure that those most vulnerable are given food. As well as ensuring that everyone is given the opportunity to have a nutritious meal.

Food Lifeline's Mission is:

To end hunger in Western Washington by engaging communities and mobilizing resources. 

Through Food Lifelines system they take donations, repack them into family sized portions, distribute, and then deliver. Thus ensuring that the 51% of adults, 35% of children and 14% of seniors get their much needed food.

There are many ways that you can help Food Lifeline. Here's a list of all the options available.

Online donating, any amount of money is good, Each dollar in donation provides a full day of meals for an individual.

Virtual food drive, It's actually as cool as it sounds. And you can buy large amounts of food to supply to a food bank.

- You can donate food to Food Lifelines food drives, or Events.

- If you live in the Western Washington area you can also Volunteer in several different areas. Either as volunteer groups or individuals.

- Or you can Advocate to ensure that hunger and these programs are in the forefront of most politicians minds.

With this group I will be donating 20$. Enough to ensure that 20 people can get food for a day. One person get food for 20 days, or 48 cans of fruit and vegetables to be distributed to families.

All in all, I implore people to become more involved with their communities. This includes either donating a small amount of money, or even your time. Each state in our nation is trying to fight the problems associated with hunger.

Especially in recent light of the Colorado floods, you can find wonderful and reliable charities on Charity Navigator. A site dedicated to ensuring that the charities you want to donate to are on the 'up and up.'

Which through this site, I learned about Food Lifeline and many other wonderful food suppliers in WA.

If you wish to donate to a food charity in your area, research through charity navigator. The higher the rating, the better the charity is.

So with the warm temps coming to an end, and the umbrellas coming out, I wish you all the best and I hope that we can all make the coming months better for others. For I know I'm donating my companies holiday turkey to a homeless shelter again. Also, because I don't know how to cook a turkey.

Much hope, to all mankind.

- <3 Amanda.

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Why I Donate

Recently people have been curious about what I'm trying to accomplish with this blog. Why I choose to blog about the donations I've made and why I talk about the non-profits that I support. So I figure to give you an idea of why I do what I do.

When I was a kid, we didn't have much, and often relied upon the kindness of random people and my grandparents. Although we didn't have much I will always applaud my parents for doing all they could with what they had.

When we moved to Washington we lived in a tiny trailer between 5 people. My older sister and I slept in a bunk bed that I remember frequently falling out of. My Eldest sister slept on an overhang below our bed while my parents slept on a converted table. It was less than 200 sq ft split between 5 people. We soon had a home that my father built, a two room, two floor house. We had bunk beds built into the walls, a ladder that went upstairs and a wood stove. We commuted between the house and the trailer to get water, food or use the bathroom. It was only bad at night since I was afraid of the dark, but I remember it.

When I was a kid I remember wanting to help those children on the commercials that were
without food or water. I wanted to give my money away, go abroad and help build things, I wanted to do so much for others.

I brought in the usual can or two for can drives at my school. But never really learned about the impact donations had on lives until I got older, and supposedly wiser.

I learned about the joys and fun of donating and volunteering from my grandmother. Who regularly volunteered at the food bank. And every year would go through Heifer International, looking for gifts to give people. 

So when people ask me why I do this my answer isn't because I had a crappy childhood, or that I'm trying to prove something. But it's far more simple then that.

I want to help people.

I lived so much of my life trying to break away from other people and to isolate myself from them that it's made me realize how small I try to be. I spent so much of my life wanting to stay in the shadows, wanting to stay quiet and keep to myself that it's made my life difficult. I've had a hard time making lasting, emotional connections with people and keeping thriving, lasting friendships. Which is one reason why I donate. I donate to these groups because I feel an emotional connection with them, that they represent something that I feel very strongly for and cal support wholeheartedly.

The Other Reasons Why I Donate:

These are my grandparents, Wayne and Mary. My Grandmother Mary for as long as I've known has always been trying to help people. She'd volunteer at the food bank, help us when we needed it, and even help other veterans like my grandfather.

My grandmother just recently fought breast cancer, and after radiation and a mastectomy, is finally seeing recovery. My grandmother is also who I learned to much of my empathy from. Which is why I hold health care so highly in my life, and why I'm supportive to all cancer treatments.

My grandfather is a Vietnam veteran. I've seen his photos from around the world and heard his story time and again. We all know what plagues most veterans from that era to now. Which is why I feel so strongly for Veterans and their continued and much needed support.

This is my other Grandmother, I never had the chance to know her. She died before I could know her, but I've heard so many things about her. I look at this picture of her and she looks and reminds me of my mother so much, and how much I wish I had known her.

She is another reason why I take health care so seriously. Also why I hold the traditions of family, loyalty and love so seriously. I may have never knew her, but I feel I can honor her memory by helping others that are in the same situation that she was.

My aunt Laura, who is also fighting breast cancer. When I was a child I remember her being apart of her children's lives, always. She was supportive, but strict at times. She'd feed us if we didn't have a meal, would be there when we needed the help.

She's support her children through thick and thin, and now more then anything needs support.

From her I learned my love for cooking, baking, and supporting the needs of others.

My parents, they tried to everything they could to provide a good home and a good future for us. Because of that I will always be grateful to my parents. They taught me from a young age the need and importance of being independent. To have faith in yourself, and importantly how to connect with people.

My parents have always been the foundation in which I base myself upon. They are both head strong, and unyielding people with odd senses of humor. I take so much from both of my parents, and their dedication to one another, and to their family is what drives me.

Because of them I take so many things in both life and causes seriously. I love animals because of them, I find family so important because of them. I find loyalty, honor, strength and love to be solely important because of them. I learned my opinions from them, and how to defend it well from others scrutiny.

From my father I learned how to defend my views and opinions with intelligence instead of blind idealism. The importance of being introspective, as well as the joy of a job well done, and the meaning of true independence. I donate because of the things he taught me about loyalty to others, and achieving a common goal.

From my mother I learned to be social, charismatic, and funny. To love unconditionally, and fully. She has taught me the overwhelming love of family, and the need for that unconditional love.

The final reason why I donate is for me.

At the age of 24 I'm well into my adulthood. I'm independent, I have a home, a job, a car. I have all of these things in my life that I've been grateful and blessed to have. Things and blessings that I'm willing to give to other people.

I don't expect to change the world, I don't expect to hand out to people money and hope they do good with it. I give to these people, these organizations because I have faith in what they're doing. Because I believe in the common goal of helping others and this world. Because by helping others in this world, in turn I also feel like I'm helping myself. By making meaningful, and lasting connections with organizations and the people working there as well as the people that read this blog, and believe in the message it provides.

I only wish the best for the world, and for it's people. I hope for clean water, education, medical availability, animal protection and rights, food, homes and basic human rights for all people. If everyone of us can believe in one of those things and go out of our way to fulfill that belief, then the world would be better off.

Which is why I donate. To try to help the world, and this is why I blog about it. To address this issue and these ideas to the world. To keep you and myself knowledgeable about what kinds of organizations are out there, and what kind of problems we are facing. What kind of animals we are endangering, what resources are low, and what people need help. Call it being idealistic. But I do hope someday, someone will come across this and agree that all life, in all aspects is important and needs our protection and support.

Someday I hope, we can all make a difference.

To that, I say thank you.

Sincerely, Amanda

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Saturday, September 7, 2013

Donation #4 - Water

As I continue on to figure out what is important in life there are a number of things that I think are important, or are necessities.

In my previous blog (Here) I felt that education was a necessity for all people. That education was a cornerstone to any civilization, and enriches not only our own lives but the world. But there are other things in this world that I believe are necessities. Like.

And Water

Water is one of those essentials. It is something that we are made of, something that we cannot live without. A person can live for 30 days or more without food, but without water you are lucky if you live a week.

In my apartment here in Seattle I have rusty pipes, I know it's rust because when I haven't used my taps in a day or more it comes out a rusty orange. Luckily for me my water clears up, safe to drink, bathe in, and use. But for many people around the world, they aren't as lucky. They live with brown water, often smelly and filled with bacteria that causes intestinal distress.

These kinds of problems can be caused by a number of things. Protozoal Infections, Parasitic Infections,  Bacterial Infections, or Viral Infections, all of these things that can thrive in water that isn't properly filtered, or safe for consumption. Here's some figures reflecting why clean water is a necessity for all people.

Almost 1 billion people lack access to an improved supply of water.
2 million annual deaths are caused by unsafe water, hygiene and sanitation.
More than 50 countries are still reporting Cholera.
An estimated 260 million people are infected with Schistosoma.

With numbers like those it's important to reflect on the importance of clean water. These problems are more prevalent in developing countries, where public utilities are still in development as well as the regions economy. This knowledge has lead me to these current non profits and their work and effect on a regions water source.

The first group that I'm going to discuss is Splash, previously known as A Child's Right.  Splash is a Seattle based group that focuses on a few things. One is the availability of water, two is promoting good hygiene, three is to provide long term monitoring and service.

By doing all of this Splash has created strong partnerships with other organizations and serving those with the greatest needs. This provides people with reliable, clean water. Not just any clean either, safe and purified water that meets both local standards and the annual WHO (World Health Organization's) quality parameters.

At the same time they're filtration system drives on both quality and quantity, providing people with anywhere between 5-10 gallons a minute. When installation is complete Splash also stays to ensure that their water system is providing clean water for 10 years, as well as training a local site leadership to steward the system beginning the 11th year. With this Splash hopes to help provide 1 million children in 16 countries by 2020.

Which leads me to the mission of Splash, which is,

"To change the live of vulnerable children in impoverished urban areas be providing clean, safe drinking water to orphanages, schools, children's hospitals, street shelters and rescue homes."

You can see Splash's progress here where they've provided 248,254 children with clean, safe, and available water.

Splash currently works in several areas across the globe, this includes.

Cambodia (Est. 2007.)
China (Est. 2007.)
Ethiopia (Est. 2008.)
Nepal (Est. 2007.)
Thailand (Est. 2011.)
Vietnam (Est. 2011.)

Each of these areas they have offices set up, as well as their headquarters being here in Seattle, WA. If you wish to contact any of them just go to the bottom of the page. Contact information is available there.

If you wish to Donate to this group you can go Here. You can donate any amount you feel is appropriate, and how often you wish to make your donation.

For this group I donated 30$ to help fund efforts in Thailand. Where only an estimated 3,632 children have been helped. With this donation I hope that the group can continue their expansion into Thailand, and aiding those in need for clean water.

The second organization that I'm going to talk about it is Charity: Water.

A larger then life New York based group that found it's beginning in the eyes and life of founder, Scott Harrison.

An ex promoter of top clubs and fashion events located in NYC, Scott took up the idea of volunteering aboard Mercy Ships. A humanitarian group that provides free medical care to the worlds poorest nations.
After having first hand experience with poverty and the amazing amount of courage from people he saw everyday he took it upon himself to revise the word, charity.

From that the organization, Charity: Water began.

The groups mission is simple: To provide clean drinking water to people in developing nations.

If you're wondering why water? Then this should be able to sum it up rather easily. If not it's as simple as this.

Water is a necessity of life, but when unsafe to consume it can be very dangerous to your health. Water can be teeming with bacteria, kinds that can cause unspeakable damage to your body. But water is the building blocks of life, of all life. So with the ability to have clean, safe water people are more likely to go to school, grow a garden, all around better their lives and the lives of their community.

From this it's easy to see how much clean water has an effect on us. As individuals, as a country, and as an economy. Which is why I'm supporting Clean Water.

This group lists all their financials, giving them transparency as a non-profit. One that has been awarded 4 stars by Charity Navigator.

Charity: Water works with a 100% model, which means that 100% of your donation goes towards water projects. They cover the operating costs, and you help fund the projects.

Speaking of which, Charity: Water's projects are many. They work in 20 countries around the world, in Africa, Asia, Central and South America. So far they've provided clean water for over 3 million people world wide funded 9,015 water projects with 22 local partners in 20 countries. For completed projects go here.

Every year Charity: Water makes a campaign for a region of the world. This years campaign is in India, you can watch the expansion of the 2 million dollar goal throughout September, of you can donate directly to the campaign, or even create your own.

If you wish to help Charity: Water

You can Donate your birthday and begin campaigning for this group.
Or you can Donate to either the left side, which is the Sept Campaign. Or to the right to whichever the donation is needed most.

For this group I donated 30$ towards the Sept. Campaign. If you wish to match my donation or donate anything to Splash, you can donate Here. If you wish to donate to Charity: Water, donate Here.

Both organizations have big plans, and big goals. As well as big hearts, but both have a common mission; to provide water for those with the deepest need. So please, support these wonderful charities that are slowly helping the world with clean, safe water.

- <3 Amanda.

Splash's Website.
Charity: Water's Website.